Rendez-vous is a small scene for flutist and cellist that happens in a restaurant. The piece inspired by nostalgia of Finnish restaurant culture, the beauty and awkwardness of dating – and love. The piece is commissioned by Teemu Mastovaara and Anna-Sofia Kallio who premiered the piece 23.10.2022.
Teemu Mastovaara cello and Anna-Sofia Kallio flute,
Forssa / Lounais-Hämeen Musiikkiopisto
Teemu Mastovaara cello and Anna-Sofia Kallio flute,
Helsinki / Myymälä2
Teemu Mastovaara cello and Anna-Sofia Kallio flute
Whatever works!-festival,
Turku / Sibelius museum
Teemu Mastovaara cello and Anna-Sofia Kallio flute,
Tampere / Kulttuuritalo Laikku
The composition of the piece supported by:
Kone Foundation